Auto Approve Vendors

If you have vendors whose invoices can skip TimberScan's approval process, you can set the vendor up as an 'auto-approve vendor.' Invoices entered to an auto-approve vendor are automatically routed to Final Review or Export (depending on your selected Routing Settings) as soon as they leave invoice entry.
In admin, select Approve > Auto-Approve Vendors
The following screen will appear:
Auto-Approve Regular
Select the desired vendor by clicking on it then checking the Auto-Approve Regular checkbox in the lower left corner of the form.
(NOTE: Clicking on the checkbox to the left of the vendor ID has no effect.)
When selecting auto-approve vendors, a threshold can be entered so that if an invoice is entered that exceeds the threshold it will automatically be routed according to normal routing rules. If a threshold is desired for this vendor, it should be entered in the Threshold box. When done selecting vendors, press [Ok] to record the selections and exit.
Auto-Approve Recurring
The same can set up for vendors that are set up as recurring invoices

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