2.1.1. TimberScan Introduction and Overview TimberScan is designed to automate the Accounts Payable approval process.
TimberScan is tightly integrated with Sage 300 CRE and data entry in TimberScan works like data entry in Sage 300 CRE.
TimberScan is also very flexible, providing many advanced features and setup options.
TimberScan provides for two major workflows in processing and approving invoices:
1. Invoices are entered into TimberScan and get posted into Sage 300 CRE after they have been approved. This method is by far the most popular.
2. Invoices are entered directly into Sage 300 CRE. Scanning and approving is done in TimberScan. Only approved invoices can get paid because TimberScan controls the approval flag.
Both methods can be used concurrently; however most companies choose one method to make operations easier.