Unaccruable Distributions ReportThis report is for users who accrue entries in TimberScan. The report should be run before running the Accrual process. The report sorts through all distributions on unexported invoices, and reports on which are missing base accounts and/or prefixes. The report also lists all invoices that will not accrue by virtue of their being recurring, uploaded or existing invoices already residing in Sage 300 CRE (Timberline).
To run the report, you will be prompted to enter the number of prefixes that exist on your General Ledger account format. Select 1 for Prefix A, 2 if using Prefix A-B and 3 for Prefix A-B-C format; select 0 if you do not use GL prefixes. In addition, you will be prompted for the accrual accounting cut-off date.
The report displays information for the current company data folder. At the end, the report displays a total number of distributions as well as the total dollar amount in TimberScan that will not accrue.
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